Active projects


Past projects

As principal investigator

2018-2021 - DACoMan - Unibz CRC project "Data-Aware Controllers for MANufacturing", Free U. of Bolzano - 64k eur
2019-2020 - SMARTEST - Unibz RTD project "SMT-based Verification of Data-Aware Multi-Agent Systems", Free U. of Bolzano - 6k eur
2018-2019 - SYNCED - Unibz CRC project "SYNthesis of Concurrent bEhaviours in complex Domains" - 4.4k eur

As main ideator and workpackage leader

2020-2022 - SMART-APP - Unibz Interdisciplinary project "Automated Process Planning in Cyber Physical Production Systems of Smart Factories", Free U. of Bolzano - 130k/2 eur

As team member

2015-2017 - EP/K014161/1 EPSRC Project "Cloud Manufacturing – Towards Resilient and Scalable High Value Manufacturing", U. of Nottingham
2013-2015 - ARC Grant DP130102825 "Foundations of Human-Agent Collaboration: Situation-Relevant Information Sharing", The U. of Melbourne
2011-2013 - EU FP7 IST-STREP "ACSI - Artifact-Centric Service Interoperation", Sapienza U. of Rome

Paolo Felli, PhD
University of Bologna